
Cache module for Invenio.


Create a Flask application:

>>> from flask import Flask
>>> app = Flask('myapp')
>>> app.config['CACHE_TYPE'] = 'simple'

Initialize Invenio-Cache:

>>> from invenio_cache import InvenioCache
>>> ext = InvenioCache(app)

Jinja bytecode caching

By default Jinja only supports filesystem and memcached backends for bytecode caching. Invenio-Cache provides another backend, which will use the default configured cache backend instead (and thus e.g. supports Redis). Bytecode caching helps reduce template load time especially in a multi-process environment where workers are recycled from time to time.

For more information about Jinja bytecode caching please see

Enabling the bytecode cache is as simple as:

>>> from invenio_cache import BytecodeCache
>>> app.jinja_options = dict(
...     app.jinja_options,
...     cache_size=1000,
...     bytecode_cache=BytecodeCache(app)
... )

Programmatic API

The programmatic cache API is very simple. First get your cache instance:

>>> cache = ext.cache

If you are in an Flask application context you can also use a handy proxy:

>>> app.app_context().push()
>>> from invenio_cache import current_cache

Now, simply set, get and delete cache values:

>>> current_cache.set('mykey', 'myvalue')
>>> current_cache.get('mykey')
>>> current_cache.delete('mykey')

Further documentation

Flask-Caching has a good and extensive API documentation so please refer to that for other APIs such as cache decorators for view, memoization of functions, Jinja snippet caching.